00 28/07/2007 18:52
Per te amore mio...che sei in giro ora ma stasera ti ritroverò a casa ad aprirmi la porta dopo avermi detto "non preoccuparti...quando torno a casa ti preparo da mangiare e tu devi solo fare la doccia quando arrivi.."
Mi fai sentire protetta e coccolata...
Ti amo...

It Had To Be You
Frank Sinatra

Why do I do, just as you say
Why must I just, give you your way
Why do I sigh, why don't I try to forget

It must have been,
That something lovers call fate
Kept me saying: "I have to wait"
I saw them all,
Just couldn't fall 'til we met

It had to be you, it had to be you
I wandered around, and finally found
The somebody who
Could make me be true,
And could make me be blue
And even be glad, just to be sad
Thinking of you

Some others I've seen,
Might never be mean
Might never be cross,
Or try to be boss
But they wouldn't do
For nobody else, gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I
Love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you

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...you don't see me...
Nulla accade per caso...
Come puoi abbracciare qualcuno se le tue mani devono tamponare le ferite...
"E se un giorno parlerai di me...sìi gentile" (dal film Tè e simpatia, 1953)
"Ogni contatto lascia una traccia" (E. Locard, 1920)
"Mi sporco le mani a modo mio." (freekonji)
"L'omofobia non è solo di chi discrimina i glbt, ma anche di chi li ignora o li considera malati."(zon@ venerdì)